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Welcome to
Hateley Heath Academy

Dream it, Believe it, Become it

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At Hateley Heath, we work hard to ensure that our children are confident individuals who learn important life skills, develop academically and grow personally, socially and emotionally. Our wonderful children at Hateley Heath learn alongside an extremely dedicated team of staff and our core values underpin an exciting curriculum.


Message from the Head of School

Mrs James

Here at Hateley Heath Academy, we are proud to be part of the community ensuring that all our children leave school with the confidence and resilience to pursue a successful life beyond our Hateley gates.  Our curriculum is ambitious for all pupils and is sequenced to provide a range of opportunities for the children to learn and discover their own passions in life.  

Our school values are:







It is a great privilege for Hateley Heath to be part of Manor Multi-Academy Trust; staff and children work collaboratively with drive and determination to bring the best out in everyone, so we all reach our full potential.  We inspire the children to be the very best version of themselves through our school vision: Dream it! Believe it! Become it!


I am extremely proud to be Head of School at Hateley Heath Academy and part of our community.

Hateley Heath children next to Head Teacher
Two Hateley Heath children in a maths lesson counting blocks
Hateley heath child climbing outdoor equipment in playground
Two Hateley Heath children in a DT lesson smiling
Two Hateley Heath children in a computing lesson

Mission Statement

At Hateley Heath Academy we are all encouraged to have high aspirations, achieve well, develop self-confidence and independence, have positive values and beliefs and a caring attitude towards others.


We aim to support a friendly, calm and purposeful school ethos, where children feel safe and secure. We encourage each other to take risks and have the resilience to rise to challenges. Well-being is promoted so we have a positive mindset and a good attitude to learning.

Our Community

Our values-based school nurtures inquisitiveness and imagination through a broad, balanced and engaging curriculum, where learning is at the heart of all that we do. Our children learn to become resilient and confident in an environment where they feel valued and encouraged, where they are motivated to thrive and achieve as individuals. 

Four Hateley Heath children in a PE lesson playing tag rugby

At all times we model and encourage the following values:



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Spring 1 2024

Issue 19

Discover which class excelled in attendance and earned the coveted tickets for the bouncy castle! Celebrate the triumphs of our stellar girls' football team and stay informed about exciting upcoming events. 

Hateley Heath Tree logo

Spring 1 2024

Issue 20

This week, the boys' football team dazzles in their latest competition, celebrations continue for the participants of the debating contest. Plus, discover which class had the highest attendance.

Hateley Heath Tree logo

Spring 1 2024

Issue 21

Our PE/Games workshops for parents were a great success with more to come. Learn about the exciting EdTech initiative that 6M participated in, and get all the details on upcoming special days at school.

Read our latest newsletters

Read our Ofsted report

“Pupils behave well and they are kind to each other. This helps the school to feel calm and settled.”

Ofsted report 2024



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