If you wish to apply for a school place between the Years of Reception to 6, you must apply through Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. The Admissions and Appeals Service can help parents with any school admissions problems.
You can email them about:
- Transferring to a new school at the beginning of the school year:
- Transferring to a new school during the school year:
- Appeals:

Hateley Twos
Our Hateley Twos programme offers school provision eligible for 2-year-old children to attend school 15 hours per week on a morning or afternoon basis. You can view eligibility criteria and information on how to apply through the Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council website.
You MUST provide the school with proof of your entitlement for this programme in order to secure your child's place.
3 Years Old Nursery
All children are entitled to 15 hours per week Nursery provision the term following their third birthday. Please contact the school and request a nursery application form from the school office. You will be asked to provide a copy of your child's birth certificate. We advise that you submit your application 12 months prior to your child being eligible to start nursery.

For normal point of entry, i.e. applications to Reception, parents must apply to the home LA in which they reside.
For In Year admissions, In accordance with the Trust’s current admission arrangements, parents must apply to the relevant LA that the school sits in (which may not necessarily be where the family resides). In year applications for Dudley schools are processed by Dudley LA, Sandwell schools by Sandwell LA, and Wolverhampton schools by Wolverhampton LA.