"Pupils with SEND receive high-quality and individualised support."
At Hateley Heath, we are proud of being an inclusive school. Our curriculum is ambitious for all the children of our community and that includes those with additional needs. Our leadership team are highly experienced in supporting children with SEND to achieve the best outcomes available. We work closely with a range of agencies who provide specialist support where necessary for our children and families.
Ofsted report 2024

SEND Provisions
Our main priority is to prepare all of our children for the next steps in education and a happy and independent life beyond school. The diversity of our school is our greatest strength and all of our children benefit from the peers they spend time with every day. We believe all children should be equally valued in school. We will strive to eliminate prejudice and discrimination, as well as developing an environment where all children can flourish and feel safe.
Kate Rathbone
She can be contacted at school if you have any questions or queries regarding SEND. sen@hateleyheath.com
SENCO Assistant - Dawn Watson